Thursday 12 November 2009

Website Research

Storyboard/script/sound research

I didnt need a script in my films as the focus was not on speech more on what was happening in the video. I researched some vidoes of Parkour on the internet and found that most the videos used energetic music to kind of get the veiwer more hyped up about the video so I decided to use a very fast and loud song in my promotion video's. I didnt really have a storyboard either as in the videos I just did what the description said (e.g kong vault) except in the promotion video where I strung together various clips to create a long video showing of some of the aspects that Parkour has to offer


After I showed my website to the class I found out that I needed a navgation bar at the top to follow the conventions of nearly all websites, so I added one to every page. I also found that they didnt like the amount of colours on the page so I limited it to a couple (2-3 per page) Another thing that the class disliked about the page was the fact that it felt broken and fractured, so I tried to re-arrange my front page and a couple of others so that they had more of a flow to them by removing the side bars and taking out the spacing boxes on the home page. I also made the pictures on my site better by using a better camera

Target Audience

My target audience will be people betwee the ages of 13-25 who are interested in keeping fit and healthy but want to find a new and exciting sport that will push them both physically and mentally. I am also aiming for people who don't want to spend loads of money on the latest kit just to keep up with the fashion as Parkour isn't about what you look like its just about getting better and helping others do the same. I am aiming towards people who arn't compettitive and who just want to go out and have fun by themselves or with friends. That it what is so amazing about Parkour is that it can be social when you want it to be but (unlike football, rugby) you don't NEED others to be able to do everything you could if they were there, so basically what I'm saying I am aiming towards self-motivated people but also people who will encourage others